Best practice manual handling

Every workplace has its own manual handling challenges. From lifting boxes in a warehouse, moving patients in healthcare, or simply raising awareness among your employees in an office environment, improper techniques can lead to injuries. 

This course provides you with an understanding of the risks associated with manual handling and an awareness of how to perform tasks safely. 
The following topics are covered: 

  • Hazardous manual handling
  • How to assess manual handling tasks
  • Ways of reducing the risk of injury
  • Techniques for performing manual handling tasks safely.
  • Emerging technologies
  • Resource tools

Recommended for: Managers, supervisors, workplace health and safety employees, nominated WorkCover and return to work coordinators, or anyone responsible for the administration and management of WorkCover claims. 

Course delivery: This course is delivered by a facilitator-led webinar.

Facilitated by: Longitude 6

Allianz Client: $95 + GST

Non-Allianz Client: $175 + GST