Theme: Scale, solutions & geographical futures



policy / governance,
social justice, 
  and more...


Our main invitation to you

How can geographers solve global challenges by providing sustainable solutions at appropriate scales?


What does that challenge mean?

Scale is a pivotal idea around which geographical scholarship, advocacy, and action are framed. It is integral for those implementing policies from local governments to international arenas. This conference will explore key questions that include:

  • What are the relationships between scale and places or scale and mobilities or scale and spatiality?
  • How do different cultures and peoples understand scale and do those differences shape how geographers work?
  • What might the term ‘geographical futures’ actually mean, and for whom?
  • How important is scale for effective policy development for climate change, biodiversity loss, urbanisation, and other global challenges?


We invite you to join us as we meet as a community of geographers and allies to think deeply about and workshop solutions that are fit for purpose, at scale, and possible.

Join us and be energised by the interdisciplinary qualities of geography. Uniquely situated for researchers, policy experts, spatial professionals, and many others, the discipline of geography can provide theoretical and practical ideas about how to build resilient communities into the future. We are ever mindful of the need to recognise and incorporate into our work respectful consideration of culture, justice, equity, gender, power, knowledge, and the relationships between and rights of humans and the more-than-human world.


Key dates

Call for sessions Closed
Call for abstracts Closed
Confirmation of abstracts Monday 22 April
Early Bird Closes Friday 24 May
First draft of program released End of May
Final program released Monday 24 June
Conference dates Monday 1 July - Friday 5 July
Postgraduate day, IAG Council, Reading Group Meetings Monday 1 July
Welcome drinks Monday 1 July, 5:00pm - 6:30pm (ACST)
Conference gala dinner Wednesday 3 July, 7:00pm - 11:00pm (ACST)
Conference close

Thursday 4 July



Conference location

Nestled in the heart of the city, the IAG conference is located at the vibrant North Terrace campus at the University of Adelaide.


Embark on interactive and interesting field trips around Adelaide and surrounds with our guided sessions.

Other useful information

Explore essential conference details, including transportation, accommodation options and other valuable information.