Postgraduate Day

Postgrduate Day is a day of interactive and informative sessions before the formal IAG2024 conference begins. It provides an opportunity for postgraduates to connect with each other whilst sharing relevant content.

This year’s Postgraduate Day is scheduled for Monday 01 July, 10am-4pm, with the optional 9-10am Welcome Brunch (sponsored by the Institute of Sustainability, Energy and Resources) providing an additional chance to connect with colleagues before the formalities begin.

Join us for a series of workshops, presentations and panels designed to address issues and interests that have been identified by, and for, postgraduates. Led by leading geography scholars and experts, known for their excellence in HDR supervision and the field, these include:

  • Connecting research(ers) and finding the balance: Are you wondering how you do it all? This session will connect you with your peers to get tips on finding that balance while building your next steps, at the conference and beyond. 
  • Mentoring relationships: From an experienced mentor, understand why you might want a mentor, how to approach a mentor and what a mentoring relationship can look like.  
  • “The Writers Coach” – Pick up tips from Geographical Research Editor Elaine Stratford on writing, editing and publishing your research. Elaine will talk through journal selection considerations, and how to increase the impact of your journal article. 
  • Life post-PhD…where to from here? Those of you who are in the later stages of their postgraduate journey may be wondering what to do next and how to start the process of setting yourself up for the next stage in your life. This session offers interactive discussion with former geography students who are on their next adventure, their experience from PhD to a range of job sectors, and what they wish they’d known first!

The opportunity to attend Postgraduate Day is included in all student full conference registrations and will be fully catered (including the IAG Conference 2024 Welcome Drinks from 5pm). Alternatively, single day registration is also possible.

For any queries, please contact a Postgraduate Day facilitator: