Equine Veterinarians Australia (EVA) annually recognises exceptional equine veterinarians at the Bain Fallon Memorial Lectures. These prestigious awards are given to individuals who have demonstrated leadership, enterprise, and significant contributions to the equine veterinary profession.
These awards honour individuals who are leading by example and making lasting impacts on the equine veterinary profession in Australia.
The awards and prizes are as follows:
Shown leadership and enterprise, made contributions to knowledge (particularly at the research and post graduate level) been involved in delivering post graduate education and have made a significant contribution to the equine veterinary profession. Publications of scientific papers or post graduate advancement will be considered favourably.
Made a major contribution to the Australian horse industry through leadership, enterprise and service to the betterment of horses, their owners and the community.
The award will be given to a person whose actions demonstrate an extraordinary passion for welfare within equine industries. Their actions should be viewed by other equine veterinarians as someone to emulate and admire. This person’s actions should improve the public knowledge and perspective on equine welfare or an advocacy issue in Australia.
This award will be given to an outstanding EVA Young Member, who had displayed promotion of EVA and dedication to clinical practice, as well as meritorious industry and community involvement.
This prize is open to all veterinarians, with the qualifications set out below, who present the best clinical or research paper at the combined ANZCVS/EVA abstract session. Candidates must hold or be two (2) years into a specialist qualification (Fellowship or Diplomate of a Specialist Veterinary College) or advanced research degrees (for example, MVSc, PhD, DVSc). The topic may include any clinical or research project exclusively involved with horses.
This prize is open to all veterinarians (except for those members who are eligible for the Reginald Pascoe Prize referred to above), who present the best clinical or research paper at the combined ANZCVS/EVA abstract session. The topic may include any clinical or research project exclusively involved with horses.
This prize is open to Young Members of EVA who produce a poster for presentation, or present the best clinical or research paper at the combined ANZCVS/EVA abstract session at the Bain Fallon Memorial Lectures. The poster or presentation may cover any topic in equine veterinary science, and be research or clinically orientated.
This prize is open to all EVA members who produce a poster for presentation at the Bain Fallon Memorial Lectures. The posters may cover any topic in equine veterinary science. Posters must be the original work of the member and must be original research. Clinical case reports or case series are not eligible for this prize. The poster should contain some innovative information, or an advancement of knowledge for the equine veterinary profession.
This competition is open to all EVA members, including Young Members, who produce a poster for presentation at the Bain Fallon Memorial Lectures. The poster may cover any topic in equine veterinary science that involves information pertaining to the advancement of the equine veterinary profession. Individual case reports or case series are eligible for this prize.
This award is open to primary authors who are members of EVA (including office bearers), and have published a paper in The Australian Equine Veterinarian during the previous 12 months. The paper should be of high scientific merit and of interest to the practicing equine veterinarian, but the information does not have to be novel.
This award is open to primary authors who are not members of EVA, and have published a paper in The Australian Equine Veterinarian during the previous 12 months. The paper should be of high scientific merit and of interest to the practicing equine veterinarian, but the information does not have to be novel.
Veterinary nurses are an essential part of the Equine veterinary practice. They are highly skilled, have ever-increasing responsibilities, and play a valuable role, whether in surgery, practice administration, or consultations. The EVA Excellence in Equine Nurses Award has been developed to celebrate excellence in the profession.
The award is presented for a single piece of unique, conspicuous and memorable behaviour during the Bain Fallon Memorial Lectures, usually conducted after hours.