EVA/ANZCVS Clinical Papers Session: Abstract Submission Guidelines 2025

Abstract subject matter can comprise recent research, clinical projects, or alternatively a case series or individual case report involving any aspect of equine veterinary science. The abstracts need to be informative, and such statements as “…results will be presented…” are unacceptable. All of the information to be presented must be included in the abstract. Any advertisements for commercial products must not be included, however, it is acceptable to mention registered drug names and dose rates if they are critical to the information presented. You are reminded that abstracts should not contain citations to published literature. Clinical papers that have previously been presented in Australasia or published in a peer-reviewed journal are unlikely to be considered for inclusion, and a declaration to previous presentation and/or publication must be included on the submission form. Please note that accepted abstracts will be printed in the Spring 2025 AEV Journal and may appear in other EVA media.

Submitted abstracts will have their authorship blinded and be peer-reviewed by a panel appointed by both EVA and the Equine chapter of the ANZCVS. A submission form should accompany every abstract. Multiple abstracts can be submitted by the same author/s. To assist with the blinding process please submit two copies of the abstract, both as Word documents; one with authorship clearly stated and the other blinded with the names of author(s) and clinic/company/organisation removed. All identifying comments should also be removed from the body of the abstract. 

The abstract should be in the following format and should be a maximum of one A4 page. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure they do not exceed the abstract word limit of 250 words. If the abstract is not written in the correct format authors may be given the opportunity to resubmit. Applicants will be notified by email if your abstract has been accepted. Successful abstracts will be presented at the 2025 Bain Fallon Memorial Lectures, Monday 21 July, at the Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort, QLD, with a number of prizes on offer.

Required layout:

  1. Title (top line): bolded, centred, all letters capitalised/upper case.
  2. Authors and affiliations: centred; 2nd line: names of authors with presenting author underlined. 3rd line: presenter’s clinic/company/organisation. 
  3. Introduction
  4. Materials and methods, or Case history (including any diagnostic tests/techniques and Animal Ethics Approval numbers for research papers)
  5. Results, or Clinical outcome
  6. Relevance to Australian clinical equine practice (a paragraph on each of the items 3 to 6 should suffice) 

Required format:

Program: Microsoft Word; language set to English (Australian).
Paper size: A4 paper (21 x 29.7cm).
Font: Calibri. 
Font size: 11 pt. 
Margins: LHS & RHS = 3cm; top & bottom = 2.5cm.
Spacing: single.
Paragraphs: one line to be left between paragraphs; aligned to left; no indentation required.
Subheadings: Calibri, bold, 11 pt.
Word limit: 250 words (excluding Title and Authorship).


The closing date for the Clinical Papers: 5pm, Friday 2nd May, 2025.



EVA Reginald R Pascoe Prize: This prize is open to all veterinarians, with the qualifications set out below, who present the best clinical or research paper at the EVA/ANZCVS abstract session. Candidates must hold or have completed 2 years of a specialist qualification (Fellowship or Diplomate of a Specialist Veterinary College) or advanced research degrees (for example, MVSc, PhD, DVSc) at the time of abstract submission. The topic may include any clinical or research project exclusively involved with horses. Prize: $1000 EVA Members or $500 Non EVA Members
EVA Norman Larkin Prize:
This prize is open to all veterinarians (except for those members who are eligible for the Reginald Pascoe Prize referred to above), who present the best clinical or research paper at the combined EVA/ANZCVS abstract session. The topic may include any clinical or research project exclusively involved with horses. Prize: $1000 EVA Members or $500 Non EVA Members.
EVA Young Members Group or Abstract Prize: Open to all EVA Young Members i.e veterinarians within 5 years of graduation at the time of abstract submission and student members. Prize: $500

Acknowledgement of Country

Bain Fallon 2025 will be held on the Kabi Kabi peoples and Jinibara peoples land.​

​We respectfully acknowledge the Kabi Kabi people and Jinibara people as the traditional custodians of the Sunshine Coast region and recognise the continuation of culture, connection to lands, water and country.​ ​We pay our respects to leaders past and present.