Annually CENNZ members are presented with awards for their contribution to emergency nursing, these are recognised in a variety of forms and presented at the annual CENNZ AGM.
Kirsty Morton Award | Presented to a participant in the national triage course identified by the triage course coordinator and instructors as an outstanding student.
AENN Award | This award was established by CENNZ in recognition of the contribution to the advanced emergency nursing role.
Novice Journal Article Publication Award | The purpose of this award is to acknowledge novice writers who have been published in the CENNZ-NZNO journal.
Honary Life Membership Award | Honorary life membership may be bestowed from time to time to any member or ex-member of the College of Emergency Nurses New Zealand – NZNO in recognition of their contribution to emergency nursing in New Zealand. Such membership is rare and unusual. All nominations must be sent to the National Committee secretary by 1st March each year. The official form is available from The Secretary, CENNZ, PO Box 2128, Wellington.
Foundation Award | This award acknowledges the individual emergency nurse who has enhanced the profile of and or shown excellence in Emergency Nursing in New Zealand.
If you wish to nominate a colleague please don't hesitate to contact
The conference organising committee have three awards which are additional to those from CENNZ itself. The judges are the ED nursing members of the conference organising team and are based on the content of the nomination.
Making a difference Award | Nominate a colleague using the nomination form
Conference abstract Award | Application is automatic when submitting a conference abstract.
Poster abstract Award | Application is automatic on submission of a poster to the conference organiser, and will be determined by the conference committee