Artificial Intelligence has long been a major topic of discussion in the public sector. For decades, leaders have discussed the best use cases for AI, how to fund it, and how to deploy it in Government to provide effective solutions for citizens and government employees alike. 

AI for years has felt out of reach, but with recent advancements in technologies including Generative AI solutions, the power of AI to transform Canada’s economy, improve the way they work, and enhance their way of life.  

Prime Minister Trudeau has recently announced a $2.4 billion package for the upcoming Budget 2024 to secure Canada’s AI advantage. These advancements aim to accelerate job growth in Canada’s AI sector and beyond, boost productivity by helping researchers and businesses develop and adopt AI and ensure this has been done responsibly.  

In order to effectively meet this vision, it is mission critical for leadership in Canada to confer regularly with one another to meet and secure Canada’s AI vision. As such, PSN is proud to announce The AI Roadshow to bring together leaders from the Canadian Government, private sector, and academia to discuss the future of AI across the Canadian Government.  

These are areas of focus we will explore at Public Sector Network’s AI Roadshow. The half-day event will provide a unique opportunity to learn from public sector leaders across Canada to discuss AI, opportunities, challenges, and the way ahead for an AI-enabled Canadian Government. 

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Workers Compensation Fundamentals

Workers compensation is one of the largest classes of insurance in Australia.

Our fundamental courses are for employers new to workers compensation or those wishing to improve their workers compensation knowledge.

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Return to Work (RTW)

A workplace injury can have a significant impact on both the worker and the employer. The return to work (RTW) process can trigger many questions and uncertainties for all parties involved.

Our courses will assist those responsible for the successful RTW of injured workers to remain at, or return to sustainable work after an injury in your workplace, and are certified medically fit to do so.

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Specialty Courses

Not all workers compensation claims are the same. Depending on the circumstances and the injuries sustained, there are different ways to achieve optimum outcomes.

Our specialty courses will help you to effectively manage a number of more complex workers compensation issues.

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Workplace Health and Safety/OHS

The active involvement of each individual in the workplace is essential for the success of any Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) management program.

Our WHS courses will help you better manage workplace risks and develop a 'safety culture' in your workplace.

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Mental Health & Wellbeing

Happier and healthier employees have been shown to be higher performing, more resilient and mindful.

Our mental health and wellbeing courses will assist you to gain the necessary skills and expertise to recognise, prevent and manage the mental health of your workers

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Masterclass Webinar Series

Our masterclass webinar series consists of a range of current and emerging business-focused topics to further enhance your skills and knowledge both personally and professionally.

Our masterclasses are one-off, special events, facilitated by subject matter experts. Anyone with a genuine interest in these subjects, regardless of their level of experience is welcome to register.

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