Information privacy assurance


You can read the full details of our privacy policy below. Here is a summary:

  • We only ask for personal information that we require
  • If you ask, we will tell you what information we have recorded about you
  • If you would like any personal information changed or deleted, just ask

This privacy policy is based on the 13 Australian Privacy Principles and the 12 Aotearoa New Zealand information privacy principles; the Privacy Act of each nation; the Australian Spam Act 2003; and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018.

When you interact with an ATEM Conference, you will be asked to provide information about yourself. Examples of this personal information include name, address, email, phone, membership status, dietary or special access requests, accommodation booking details, credit card information, and other information required by ATEM to organise and manage the event.

The information may be collected directly by ATEM, or by another individual or organisation acting on ATEM’s behalf.

Why we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information

ATEM collects personal information for several purposes including:

  • designing, organising, promoting and managing conferences and other events
  • providing services to you
  • responding to your queries
  • keeping you informed of the status of a conference or event you have expressed an interest in, or are attending
  • providing you with information about other services offered by ATEM, its sponsors and partners, and related organisations, that may be of interest to you
  • facilitating our internal business operations, including the fulfilment of any legal requirements and keeping our records up to date
  • analysing our services and customer needs with a view to developing new and/or improved services
  • to monitor the quality and performance of our website and communication channels

If you do not provide the personal information we request, we may not be able to complete or fulfil the purpose for which the information was requested.

If you provide us with someone else’s personal information, you must have their authority or consent to do so. You should take reasonable steps to inform them of this information privacy policy.

Sharing personal information

We may provide your details to a third-party supplier or contractor:

  • when you have given consent for this to happen
  • or for the purpose of delivering a service that you expect from us or them. In this case, we would normally communicate with you about the supplier’s role in serving you.

We do not disclose personal information to unrelated third parties for the purpose of allowing them to send marketing material to you. However, we may share non-personal, de-identified or aggregated information to them for research purposes.

Websites: cookies and links

Cookies (small text files placed on your computer when you first visit a website) are used on ATEM websites. Most browsers now recognise when a cookie is offered and allow you to refuse or accept it.

Most of the information we collect via our websites is statistical only and is not personally identifiable. We use this data to make our sites more useful and attractive to you. If you apply to receive information about ATEM services or events, or to register and attend an event, then you will be required to provide certain personal information.

Our websites may contain links to third parties’ websites. These other websites are not subject to our privacy policy and procedures.

Storage and security

ATEM stores personal information electronically and takes all reasonable steps to protect its records from unauthorised use, access, disclosure and alteration.

ATEM information is securely stored in data centres in Australia with backups securely stored and encrypted.

ATEM does not store your credit or debit card information.

Personal information is maintained under strict security and is only accessed internally by authorised individuals who require access as part of their role or to complete a task.

Records containing personal information are held by ATEM until there is no longer a need or obligation to retain such records, after which they will be anonymised and archived.

Access to your personal information

You can request access to your personal information by writing to

A report will be generated on all data we hold about you.

If you believe that any personal information held by ATEM is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, you may ask us to correct it. Your request must be in writing to We will respond as soon as possible.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the right to be forgotten is available to you. If you request it, we will safely and permanently delete all personal data so that you become anonymous to ATEM. This is not reversible.

If you receive a commercial electronic message from us and you do not wish to receive any further messages of this nature from us, either unsubscribe using the supplied link in the electronic message or email with a request to be removed from the relevant mailing list.

Any concerns about ATEM’s handling of personal information should be emailed to

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