Call for nominations for Innovative Approaches and ICT Solutions that embrace and demonstrate a focus on improving the lives of the aged and people living with disabilities.
1. Awards Overview
Six award categories are available for submissions from providers and software companies across the disability, residential, aged care, home/community care and retirement living sectors.
The Award Categories are:
1. Best solution that provides ongoing consumer independence
2. Best consumer friendly product or system deployment
3. Best aged care software development and/or deployment
4. Best workforce efficiency or quality improvement solution
5. Best application of business intelligence to leverage value from big data
6. Other
2. Key Information
- All submissions must be completed on the Nomination Form and respond to the criteria for the Award Category being applied for.
- If the development responds to the criteria of more than one category then nominations can be submitted for multiple categories.
- Recognising that our world is changing constantly and disruption an almost daily occurrence, nominations can be submitted under the “Other” category where the development does not fit into any of the other five categories.
- Finalists will be required to provide a video not exceeding 2 minutes in duration supporting their application, and agree to their submission being viewed by ITAC 2018 conference attendees, and published on the ITAC website. Applicants are responsible for obtaining consent from all individuals in the video and photographs that are submitted. Finalists are not expected to engage professional video production house. Videos created using a smartphone are acceptable.
- All submissions will be reviewed by the Awards Judges.
- Submissions must acknowledge the key individuals and organisations that contributed to the application.
- Finalists may be selected from each Award Category.
- The company logo (jpg format) and 3 digital high resolution photos are required with the nomination submission. Photos are to be of the facility and of the hardware / software in use.
- Finalists are required to attend the Awards Gala Dinner to be held Wednesday 21st November 2018.