Outstanding service to the Association, its Divisions, Branches or Special Interest Groups


This highly regarded award commemorates the work of the late Don Kerr, an enthusiastic cattle practitioner and dedicated educator of veterinary undergraduates. Don died in 1992 while serving as president of the AVA.

Australian veterinary schools are invited to nominate one final year student for this celebrated award, with the nominees to be judged on their academic achievement and commitment to cattle medicine.



Selection Criteria


The Committee, Judges and Board will look at the outstanding service to veterinary science in Australia across:


Academic performance at identified University as a veterinary undergraduate student generally and in cattle medicine in particular.

Demonstrated commitment to cattle medicine in terms of involvement with student groups focused on cattle medicine and related interests.

Other contributions that demonstrate an interest in and commitment to the cattle industry and the veterinary profession.

Summary of their achievements and interest in cattle medicine.


Guidelines for nomination for the Don Kerr veterinary student award


Who can be nominated?

A final year veterinary student from one of the veterinary schools, for academic achievement and exceptional commitment to cattle medicine.


How many recipients are awarded each year?

Only one award may be given in any one year and the award will not be given if a suitable recipient cannot be identified.


Who can nominate?

Deans of the Australian veterinary schools.


Selection process

AVA cattle experts from the Australian Cattle Veterinarian Group and a senior lecturer in cattle medicine from a veterinary school that has not submitted a nomination.

The AVA Awards Committee will review the selected recipient and AVA Board ratifies the recipient before they are announced to ensure suitability.

Selection process

AVA cattle experts from the Australian Cattle Veterinarian Group and a senior lecturer in cattle medicine from a veterinary school that has not submitted a nomination.

The AVA Awards Committee will review the selected recipient and AVA Board ratifies the recipient before they are announced to ensure suitability.


Should I tell the nominee about the nomination?

Secrecy should be maintained in relation to nominations.

It may be necessary to speak with the nominee to obtain information required for submitting but we ask that you do this discreetly and let them know that nominations do not guarantee success.


Will feedback be given from the Awards Committee if the nomination is not successful?

The Awards Committee will not provide feedback on the nominations as they are confidential.





Engraved Trophy

Gift card to the value of $250

One complimentary ticket to the AVA Gala Dinner where the award will be presented