Outstanding contribution to veterinary science or practice in Australia


Selected by the current AVA president, this award recognises an outstanding practical contribution, particularly within the preceding 5 years.

Recent recipients include Dr Jacqui Norris for her work in teaching clinically relevant infectious disease courses; and Dr Cathy Warburton for her work to improve wellbeing, mental health, and career satisfaction for veterinary professionals.


Selection Criteria


The Committee, Judges and Board will look at the outstanding service to veterinary science in Australia across:

A curriculum vitae should be provided. Details of dates and periods spent in the execution of the work should be given. Especially looking at:


The field of activity is not as important as the impact of the effort. Relevant activities could include training, technology transfer producing economic or social benefits, improving societal and governmental understanding of animal issues, establishment of mutually beneficial business linkages etc. Sustained effort in continuing the work is an important criterion.


Opportunities and initiatives
The recipient will be drawn from a variety of occupational sectors. However, consideration should be given to how well the recipient creates and also develops opportunities to contribute without the resources and facilities available during the conduct of the work.


Activities carried out in the preceding five years will be considered. As much as possible, the activities should have been carried out in Australia but may be beneficial to the global veterinary community. The achievement should reflect well on the person, the profession and the Association.


Guidelines for nomination for the president's award


Who can be nominated?

A nominee should be a person who has contributed in an outstanding practical way to the field of veterinary science or practice. Continuing to make the effort under less-than-ideal conditions, cement friendships and develop linkages of ongoing value within the profession as society should be part of the assessment criteria. Commitment and compassion in the performance of the achievement are criteria for the award. Self interest should not be the only motive for undertaking the work.


How many recipients are awarded each year?

Only one award may be given in any one year and the award will not be given if a suitable recipient cannot be identified.


Who can nominate?

The President of the Australian Veterinary Association.


Selection process

The President in consultation with AVA Board will decide on the recipient.

Should I tell the nominee about the nomination?

Secrecy should be maintained in relation to nominations.

It may be necessary to speak with the nominee to obtain information required for submitting but we ask that you do this discreetly and let them know that nominations do not guarantee success.


Can you re-nominate the same nominee if not successful?

If not successful, the same nominee can be put forward for a further 2 years following their first nomination.

Please note that these nominations will not occur automatically. Subsequent nominations must be resubmitted to ensure that all relevant information is accurate and up to date.

After 2 years the nominator will have to apply to the Awards Committee (via Peta Bortfield) to request consideration to be able to submit another nomination.


Will feedback be given from the Awards Committee if the nomination is not successful?

The Awards Committee will not provide feedback on the nominations as they are confidential.







Engraved Trophy

One complimentary ticket to the AVA Gala Dinner where the award will be presented